Module 1 (8 Lectures): From Molecules to Single Cells. Topic covered: Channels, Electrical properties of neuronal Communication, Synapses, Neurotransmission, Modulation of Synaptic Transmission, Synaptic plasticity and memory, Neurons (types and functions), Pathophysiology. (Jonas)

Module 2 (8 Lectures): From Single Cells to Sensorimotor Transformations. Topic covered: General principles of sensory processing and systems (adaptation, efficient coding, topographic organization, cell-types, information theory), algorithm and sensory circuits (single-cell computations, circuit computations, sensorimotor transformations), higher sensory processing (nature and nurture), motor control and learning, and an overview of the function and involvement
Course proposal 2020-21
of different brain areas in motor control (motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, spinal cord). (Jösch).

Module 3 (8 Lectures): From Neuronal Systems to Behavior. Topic covered: encoding of space, brain oscillations, emerging properties (e.g., place cells, grid cells), sleep-walking cycle regulation, memory formation. (Csicsvari)

Important – Although the course is designed to give a general and conceptual overview of the brain, we encourage students to take the “Developmental neuroscience and brain diseases” (spring semester) to broaden their perspective into the molecular aspect and development of the brain. This will be particularly helpful for students aiming to affiliate with experimental groups.

Target group: Students planning to affiliate in a neuroscience research group.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in data analysis is required (e.g. beginner skills in Matlab, Python or R). For students with no background in life-sciences certain aspects of the course will require further reading. For these students, taking the “Developmental neuroscience and brain diseases” is recommendable

Evaluation: Each Module will have homework and assignments, individually counting to 1/6 of the final grade. A final exam essay will count for the other half.

(Final exam essay 50% plus homework/assignments 50%)

Teaching format: Lectures

ECTS: 6 Year: 2020

Track segment(s):
NEU-CORE Neuroscience - track core course

Jozsef Csicsvari Peter Jonas Maximilian Jösch

Teaching assistant(s):
Silvia Jamrichova Peipeng Lin

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