This lecture course aims to refresh the understanding of basic concepts of mathematics and their applications to give students an introduction to more advanced mathematical challenges waiting in other courses. It will be explained by a non-specialist in simple terms and an interactive way. It will focus on intuitive rather than formal understanding of basic concepts and will introduce terminology and give a bit of historical perspective. The course will encompass: arithmetic and algebra; functions and limits; introduction to calculus; initial insights into linear algebra, probability and statistics. In the final lecture, the practical applications of the covered concepts will be reviewed with an initial glimpse into differential equations. The content will not go beyond advanced high-school level and thus is meant mainly for those who have been successfully avoiding exposure to mathematics so far.

Note that the ECTS credits assigned to this course don't count towards the ECTS requirement of the IST Austria PhD program.

Target group: The content will not go beyond advanced high-school level and thus is meant mainly for those who have been successfully avoiding exposure to mathematics so far.

Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: None

Teaching format: None

ECTS: 2 Year: 2020

Bernat Corominas-Murtra Ondrej Draganov Michal Hledik Wiktor Mlynarski Natalia Ruzickova

Teaching assistant(s):

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